Cam FM
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Cam FM Selection

Up next: A Wave in the Mind - Wed 08:00

Get Involved

We're always on the lookout for students, staff and alumni of the University of Cambridge and Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) to help us present exciting programmes, produce cutting-edge broadcast journalism, and share live coverage of events and sports. 

Studio Membership

No experience required! New members complete our free training programme, during which you discover how all the tech works, and how you can fill radio shows with great content. Once you're ready to go, you’ll be able to use our studios and get involved in any of the strands of Cam FM as much or as little as you wish.

Register your interest for training »


We want to be upfront that we ask active members to make an annual contribution towards the running costs of the station. We do this because we don't receive direct funding from either university for our activities, and we are permitted to raise only a limited amount by commercial means.

There is no charge to join our studio training programme, so you can see if Cam FM is right for you before becoming a member. If you feel at any time that the pricing is a barrier for you, then please do not hesitate to get in touch with Jordan, our amiable Head of Sales & Sponsorship at

Membership Type Academic Year Easter Term & Long Vac *
Studio Membership £ 30 £ 25

* Membership runs until 30 September, so we make a reduction for those joining us in the Easter Term. 

Have questions? Send them to us and we'll try our best to answer:

Cam FM Selection
