Cam FM
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Cam FM Selection

Up next: A Wave in the Mind - Wed 08:00

News & Journalism

Cam FM is a proudly independent student radio station, not associated with any student union. This means that we can report without fear or favour on the university issues of the day, which we do on our weekly news show, Cam FM News Brunch. We also cover local stories making the papers, and a selection of international stories which may interest our audience. The inclusion of student voices and perspectives is what underpins all of our coverage, and we aim to represent a diverse range of views from both the University of Cambridge and Anglia Ruskin University.

If you're a student at Cambridge or ARU, we would love for you to get involved! We pride ourselves on being open to all at Cam FM News, and you can submit as much or as little as you’d like across the term, on a subject which interests you.

With support, people on the Cam FM News team can research, interview, write and record their own reports, analyses or investigations, to be broadcast on our weekly show. We welcome interviews as well – a form of news particularly suited to the radio format! Additionally, there are opportunities to anchor from time to time.

Cam FM is a station with journalistic pedigree: alumni have gone on to get jobs with Reuters and ITV, internships with BBC Scotland and the BBC World Service, and have even featured on BBC Radio 4's "From Our Own Correspondent". The BBC’s political editor, Chris Mason, broadcast on Cam FM back in the day.

How do I get involved?

If you're interested in getting involved, please drop a line to, and we'll get back to you as quickly as possible. We'd love to hear from you!

Cam FM Selection
